
We are immensely delighted to inform our patrons and well wishers that our efforts are on in full vigour to publish an English Business & Financial Daily from the National Capital New Delhi-"FINANCIAL NEWS".

The emphasis will not only be laid on contemporary economic and financial issues but much more... adequate coverage on sports, entertainment, development news and even political events.

Though objective reporting and in-depth analyses that concerns the masses will be the major attributes of the newspaper but to make our venture still more successful we seek your support and encouragement.

We will feel extremely happy to have your suggestions and experience sharing with us to make our endeavour more worthwhile and purposeful.

Name of newspaper: FINANCIAL NEWS
Language : English
Periodicity: Daily
Published from : DELHI
Establishment :  2017
Editor:  Rajeev Kumar Jha
RNI Registration Number: DELENG/2017/73585